So I will start off with my husband. I already knew I had an amazing husband but to see his role change before my very eye was truly wonderful to watch. James turning from a husband to a husband and father was a really big deal for both of us. James has always been dependable, trusting, faithful and strong for me. Now to see him as a father just gives me a glimpse of what my Heavenly Father is like. James has so much love in his heart for Farrah. We were talking the other night about how we didn't know we had a hole in our hearts and home and Farrah filled it just right! To see James come home, he would always come and say hi to me and give me a kiss but now he goes straight for Farrah and her entire body just lights up and so does his! I don't mind being second to this precious little girl. Every night he tells Farrah how beautiful she is and how sweet she is. I love when he puts Farrah to bed. He will give her a bottle and pray over her and just talks to her and tells her how wonderful she is and what a gift from God she is. It's just priceless to have my husband so head over heals for little miss.
James and his girl!

I have also learned so much about friends and how to be a friend. That is really big for me. Having a friend is great but being a friend is the greatest thing. I have learned to listen and learn how to ask for help. As a new mommy it's hard to ask for help because you should know how to take care of your baby but it was so nice to ask my closest friends and know that they were in the same place once and that their not judging you just really love me and want to see me be a good mommy. Kelsey and Abby I could not have survived without you both. All the prayers, encouragement, laughter and tears we've shared are priceless!
With Abby and Kelsey (sorry ladies this is the only one I could find)

Then being a mom for the first time...there are no words! I always had a dream what it would be like to be a mom but it didn't even come close! I know have more appreciation of what a mom is and does. There is a reason why God give you nine months to prepare for a baby but I know He knew we could handle spur of the moment! I've learned to play and not clean. I've learned to love and kiss and dance and be silly even when someone is watching! I've learned to not be so selfish. I've learned to depend on people other then myself. I've learned how to say no. That is a really big one for me! Last year I really felt like God was telling me to slow down and say no and when I was obedient I would get the desire of my heart. It was so hard for me to say no then one night I came home and looked at our calender and there was maybe two whole days that we had nothing planned. How can I be the mom and wife I need to be if I was never home. So learning to say no was a great gift for me to learn because three months later we received our greatest gift...Farrah.
So 2009 was an amazing year and I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store for us. I know more prayer and promises will come this year and that really excites me.