Thanks Leslie for for the pictures of your kitchen floors. Since I saw your kitchen it has inspired me to do mine. I loved your black cabinets and thought they looked great and wanted mine the same. So I've been looking at black paint and new counter tops. I found the paint and counter tops and even a new sink. I must say James is not real happy about this because he redid our counter tops this spring and I'm already changing them. Sorry honey!! But I will say it will look amazing when I'm all done. I started out with repainting the front bathroom and I love it. I took before and after pictures for you to see. So once the bathroom was finished I got a wild hair and decided to paint my coffee table and end table the black that I'm painting my kitchen cabinets and I REALLY love it. But before I painted the cabinets I painted my entire kitchen and dining. It was a dark maroon and know it is a nice khaki that matches the rest of the house. The kitchen will be done in phases so phase one is complete!! James you need to have your wisdom teeth taken out more often. I can convince you of almost anything when you are on drugs.
Bathroom before

Bathroom after

Kitchen before

Kitchen After (phase 1 complete)

So phase one is complete in my kitchen and now all we have to do is new countertops, new floor and new sink and the kitchen is done!!! Yea for the Fortner's!!
Just a little note...the layout of the pictures are not correct but I guess blogspot is smarter then me but you get the picture.