Wow, what a week!! Like I said I don't even know where to start. It's been a crazy two weeks. I dropped my laptop and shattered the screen so I have been going crazy with no computer. But I do have to say it was a nice break. I would find myself on this silly thing for hours while Farrah was sleeping and not sleeping. I know it's bad but I'm sure I'm not the only one guilty of this. I played a lot more this week with Farrah. She is at such a fun age! She is screaming VERY loudly. The other night we had her in the church nursery and the doors to the sanctuary opened and you could hear her down the hall! After church was over I asked if that was Farrah and poor Tiffany said "Oh yes that was Farrah." So needless to say Farrah likes for her presence to be known...kinda like her mama. (Not the best trait!)
She is so close to crawling. It's been a rough week for this mommy. Farrah is growing up so fast and there is no way I can slow down the time. I just want to remember everything about her at this age. I want to remember her smell, her toothless grin, the way she lights up when her daddy comes home, the way she giggles when she plays with Rockie's tail, the way she sucks her thumb when she's tired. There is so much more. We had to lower her bed tonight. One more step to getting big. She turns nine months on Wednesday. This just breaks my heart that she's growing up so fast. I remember my mom use to say to me...Just wait til you have children. Now I understand what she means by this.
I don't know about you but at this house we can't wait for Christmas to get here! I love Thanksgiving but Christmas will be extra special this year! James and I were talking the other night about Christmas traditions and what traditions we wanted for our family. James' family always went to his grandparents house in Raton, NM. We had several traditions. On my dad's side of the family we would have a very big Christmas party with my Grandma and Papa and all the cousins and Aunts and Uncles. Those are some great memories!! Then on Christmas day we would head to my mom's family, Meme and Pa.
So one tradition we want to start for our own family is having a Christmas tree in every child's room. So Farrah got her first tree and ornament. We want to give her an ornament every year that shows what she is in to that year. So while Farrah napped today I found my snowman ornaments that I don't use and decorated her room. When she woke up from her morning nap she had a tree. She was quite impressed.
Farrah checking out her Christmas tree.

I did finally finish her room. I know, I know it only took me nine months!! There is this one really big wall and I had the painting of her name there but that wall was just so big that it overpowered the painting. So I found these flowers and of course had to paint them because everything is in pink. But I think it turned out pretty darn cute!

To see the green paint on her walls looks horrible in pictures but I promise, pictures do not do it justice!!
So I'm going to end this post with what the Fortner's are thankful for. We are thankful for this precious gift, Farrah. Thankful for our amazing friends and family. Thankful for our health. Our incredible marriage and James' incredible job. It's such a blessing to get to watch my husband go to work everyday and know that he loves his job. My "new" job...being a stay at home mom, that's the job I've ALWAYS dreamed of.