It's to hard to say!! Farrah Nichole you are eight months old!! Where oh where has the time gone??
What you are up to these days...
You are sitting up like a pro!
You said your first "word" of course it was dada. This made your daddy VERY proud!
You are wearing a size 6 months in clothes.
You are still wearing a size 2 in diapers.
You weigh around 17 pounds.
You "talk" all the time!
You still LOVE your bottle and are not in the least little bit interested in a sippy cup.
You are VERY curious! You want to touch everything and stare at everybody. It's pretty darn cute.
You like to rough house. You crawl all over me and are very active.
You just started to show first signs of crawling. You will get on all fours and start rocking back and forth. It will be very soon!!
Little angel you are just so precious! There is not one day that goes by that you don't make us laugh or smile! We love you and are so proud to be your mommy and daddy!

I am so excited that the season is finally changing!! You have a lot of new fall clothes and you finally get to wear them! I was thinking the other day, it's really sad that you have more clothes then me. Oh well you have a good are so much fun to buy for!!
Here is one of my favorites!