Memorial Day weekend we went to the lake with my family and had a blast! I was a little worried about how Farrah would be because it was going to be really hot but she did great!
Friday was a super busy day!! I have a little problem with the word "no" and this day was no different...haha!! Friday morning a very special lady, Tomi had a wonderful little girls tea for some really special girls! It was so fun and sweet of her. Tomi wanted to celebrate summer with the girls so she had donut holes and juice and read them a summer time fun book. The girls all played and then Tomi gave each one a present, a hooded beach towel with their name monogrammed on it. It is adorable!!! I had totally forgot my camera so I'll have to get some pictures from Paige and add later.
After the party Farrah stayed with my mom so she could nap and I went to hang out with the girls at the pool for a little while and then James and I went to help Jay and Amy at Quinn's pool party. Let me just say, having 25 8th graders was a little crazy. It was fun just watching them play and my job was trying to not let them hurt each other....that was a hard job!
After Farrah woke up from her nap we loaded up and headed to the lake! We were so excited to get there and play on the boat. Farrah LOVED her first boat ride! She was so fun to watch. She had the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face. The faster James would go the more she liked it. She kept saying "Mommy this is fun!"
Saturday we were up at the crack of dawn thanks to Reagan, Brincent and Katie! I though surly it was 8am but nope it was 6am!! We had some super excited kids so mom and dad took them fishing off the pier so they could get some energy out of their systems. They came back so we headed to the lake and played on the boat!

Farrah got on the tube with me and she loved it!!! I knew James wouldn't go fast with her so I knew it was safe. I love that Farrah is going to be a lake baby!! Now I just have to talk James into buying a bigger boat so we can all fit in it....haha!!

Saturday was so HOT!!! It got to 107 degrees and we were all feeling it. We had to run the propane on the trailer all day so we could cool off. This was the part I was worried about most with Farrah. I knew she wouldn't be able to handle the heat very well so after the boat ride I brought Farrah in out of the heat. This part was hard for me! I LOVE being on the lake and being in the sun but I knew Farrah's well being was way more important then me. There are still some things I'm learning about being a mom....haha!!
That evening we ran out of propane but we thought it would be fine cause it always get cooler at night right??? Well not this weekend! At 1am I was still awake cause it was so hot!! I got up and inside the trailer it was still 90 degrees! Mom was still awake because she was hot and couldn't sleep either so I walked out to James in his tent and he couldn't sleep cause it was so hot. He at lest had a breeze outside and we didn't even have that. So after we decided that everyone was miserable I went back and was watching Farrah sleep and she was pouring in sweat so I stripped her down trying to get her to cool off.

So around 2am I hear James start his truck and take off! He left his family in the HOT and went home to the A/C!!!! I called him and yes he left but he was going to find more propane to run the A/C...haha!! James moved inside the trailer and Farrah and I moved to the floor right under the A/C vent. It was wonderful!! I had to actually get a blanket!!!!
Sunday we got up early and packed everything up and we were on the road my 10:30am! We were all ready to get out of the heat and just shower..ha! We had a blast and I can't wait to take Farrah back. I will admit that the lake is really hard on the little ones and mommy so I know Farrah will have to be older to truly enjoy the lake/boat.
I love going to weekend getaways with my family!! There is always an adventure when we all get together. We've survived bad sunburns, a capsized boat, being stuck on a roller coaster and so much more!