Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Swimming lessons!!

This year Farrah is in swimming lessons at Texas Tech.  This is her first year in the aqua tots.  She is really learning how to swim and she is doing so good!  She LOVES it!!  She is the youngest one in her class but also the bravest one...haha!! 

The first day she fell off the step and went under and just about gave this momma a heart attack!  She came up smiling and so proud of herself.  Her teacher just laughed and told her that she had to wait her turn to go under by herself.  Her teacher is so good and so patient!  One thing I really like about her teacher is she doesn't freak out if they go under on accident and she really pushes them to swim. 

Here is Farrah at her swimming lessons this week!

So glad Farrah is getting to learn to swim!  I loved swimming lessons as a kid and I know Farrah is as well.  I also know the importance of learning how to swim and being safe with the water and I'm glad Farrah will learn that too!

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