This year we had dinner and an Easter egg hunt with James' family. As always, we had a blast! Farrah was really into it this year and was so fun to watch. I really enjoy having our families close to us. Farrah getting to know and play with her cousins is such a blessing!
Ready for the hunt!
Fortner cousins!
Every year Jean buys a pinata for the kids to swing at. It's always so fun to watch them go crazy swinging a big stick...haha!
Easter Sunday was a very special day for us. Our church had asked us to participate in the services. We felt so honored and were excited to share what God has done in our lives. Leslie had organized the services and it was truly AMAZING! She had asked several people to share their testimonies and we heard of marriages being restored, kidnapped children being returned and a single mother in debt becoming totally debt free!
Our testimony was going through fertility treatments and multiple miscarriages and then getting a phone call that forever changed our lives...adopting a baby girl! They had us on stage and our testimonies were on the screen behind us and then when ours said a adoption of a baby girl, they had Farrah walk on stage. You could hear all the gasps and the Aww's. It was so special and very emotional! I'm hoping the video will be online soon and I'll put a link up so you can watch it.
Easter Sunday with my precious family!
That evening we went to my parents house and had Easter. Again, we had a blast. I just love having a child and teaching her the true meanings of Christmas and Easter but its also fun watching them have fun with different traditions.
Caroland cousins!
We had a great Easter and I can't believe this is Farrah's fourth one....time is flying by!
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