We wanted to make it a fun getaway and kid friendly trip. I think Farrah was more excited to stay in a hotel more then anything. She was the cutest thing! She would beg us to go back to the hotel everyday.
On Thursday, we took her to the Rain Forest Cafe. She wasn't to sure about it at first but then she got into it. When the animals "woke" up, her face was priceless! It made me remember that for her everything is so real. So after some convincing her that the tigers weren't going to get her, she loved it!
This is her "tiger" pose...silly girl! (There is a funny story behind James' eyes closed in every picture. I'll explain it at the end of the blog)
Then we walked around and ran into the carousal
After that we headed off to Bass Pro! Since Farrah has been born its become a tradition for James and Farrah to have their picture taken in front of Bass Pro.
On Friday we did a little shopping at North Park in Dallas. I tried to find some things that Farrah would like and we had a blast there.
Farrah LOVES riding the escalator, so I thought we would go up and down one for her pleasure...haha! It's in the small things right??
That evening we took Farrah to her very first rodeo!! She loved every minute of it! She was all about the bull riding. (Like her momma!)
At the rodeo we were playing with the camera and we could not take one good picture. This is where James couldn't keep his eyes open in any picture because of the flash so it became a joke all weekend.
I finally gave up on having a picture with all three of us...haha!
We had a great weekend and laughed a lot and ate a lot! It is hard traveling with a almost three year old but for the most part she was really good. She is just a busy body and that means mom and dad are worn out ;-)
Looks like fun! My kids love hotels too. Do you guys ever go to Cabela's when you're there? It is sooo worth the drive out there. We don't even go to basspro anymore. We like that there is enough animal rooms for me and the kids to browse through while Thomas looks at his own things. And there's an awesome walkthru fish tank.
Jessie-We try to do both. Double the fun for me!
I hate that new camera! It is designed to make me blink and then take the picture with my eyes closed.
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