We done everything from dancing to cooking and its been so much fun! Farrah has discovered her "tea set" and we have had LOTS of "tea." I love watching her pretend and using her imagination. As a little girl myself one of my favorite things was to have tea parties. My Meme had a wonderful glass tea set and Shawna and I would play with that for hours. We would "sip" our tea with our pinky in the air and have some great conversations about life (life of a five and four year old..ha!)
When Farrah got her first tea set I was so excited and couldn't wait to have a tea party with my girl. I even taught her to hold her pinky out!!! I love just watching her! I taught her how to "sip" her tea and how to place her tea cup on the saucer and how to make the pouring sound when she poors me more tea. Can I just say I LOVE having a daughter!! It didn't take long for dad to join in on the action...James is such a good daddy! He "sipped" his tea with his pinky up and we just had so much fun.
Having Farrah later in my life then I expected just makes me realize and enjoy her so much more. She is such a wonderful girl and it just makes my heart smile when she brings me her tea set and says..."Mommy tea??" How can you turn that down? I'm really enjoy this age with Farrah. She is so much fun and seeing her learn new things everyday and just seeing her heart makes me just fall that more in love with her. She loves life to the fulliest and I love learning from Farrah....I learn something new about myself everyday through Farrah.
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