Well what a crazy three days this has been. First of all I just wanted to say thanks to all of you praying for us these last couple of days!! We could not have not done it without you. I was praying this morning and asking God to just bring us peace through this entire process. Last weekend I went on a college girls retreat and spoke about Sleeping Beauty. I know it's random, you had to be there!! But in the opening act it says that the king and queen had prayed for a baby for a very long time and it finally came to pass. So this afternoon Reagan and Brincent brought Farrah a gift. It was a bunny and puppy dog. On the tag of the bunny it had Aurora on it. It was God's way of showing me that everything was going to be ok. And by the way Farrah's name means beautiful. So she is sleeping beauty!! Anyways I thought it was pretty cool!! Here are some more picks of Farrah.

Go Tech!!

Just Hanging Out

Farrah had a great day today!! James gave her her first bath. That was a first for him too!! He did a great job. We are truly blessed with this little girl!!
She is so sweet. I think I cry everytime I look at her. This has been a huge blessing and faith booster in my own life. You guys mean the world to us! We can not wait until we get to meet and love of miss Farrah!!!
I was thinking about our Sleeping Beauty retreat too in relationship to Miss Farrah - what a beautiful reality of just how much He loves you AND Farrah! Can't wait to meet her!
I am still on cloud nine for y'all! She is precious! We can't wait to meet little Farrah!
Children are such a blessing. You guys are SO blessed! Can't wait to hold that precious girl!
James and Jennifer, we are so happy for y'all. We found out at church this morning from a very excited grandma about precious little Farrah. We can't wait to meet her.
She IS a beauty! How precious...what a gift!!!
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