A lot of you know we have this adorable puppy named Roo. She is full grown and four pounds and has a ton of personality. I would not ask James' opinion of Roo because you might not want to hear what he has to say about her on most days. She is my dog but she really loves James' lap. I try to keep her on mine but she always goes back to James' lap. Sorry honey! So my question of the day is how can some tiny little dog tear up so much. We always put Roo in the bathroom to feed her, I know its weird but its the only place she has not figured to get out of yet. So if you leave her to long she loves to tear up tissue and anything on the floor. For example my very nice brand new bathroom rug. And it was not cheap. I like the finer things in life and I love when my wet feet touch the VERY soft rug. So here are pictures of her latest revenge.
Sweet little innocent Roo.

My bathroom rug

Needless to say I think the bathroom rug lost.
Oh Jen. Thats funny. Maybe you should let her have that one as a toy now!
Oh my gosh...that is funny, ok maybe not so funny to y'all. But that dog has got to be the cutest thing. I want one like that.:) Sorry about the rug!
Roo!!! That is a nice rug, I have one like it. Guess Roo likes the finer things in life too! Hehe. Sorry, Jen. She is cute, though. :) Ah, James makes me laugh, that comment is something I definitely expected. Hahaha
Oh Roo when will you ever learn! The comment from James made me laugh out loud.
This may be the reason I do not have a dog. I think they are cute but once they tear anything up or require too much maintainence I am not a fan! I would be right up there with James calling the dog inappropriate names!
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