You weigh 21 pounds (10th percentile)
You are 31 inches long (60th percentile)
You still wear 12 months clothes. I actually bought 18 months for fall and I'm thinking they aren't going to fit....great!!
Size 3 diapers (You have worn size 3 forever and I don't think you will go to a bigger size before we potty train.
You are one busy girl! I watch you everyday and I am amazed how you never sit down. You will sit down for me to read you a book. You LOVE books! We read all day long and every book you bring to me we read it at least four times before you find another book.
You have become a little picky on food.
You have so many words now. You can say....uh oh, no, bye, hi, momma, daddy, roo, pup (up), Nawna (Shawna), RaRa (Reagan), Nana, Papa, Naney (Dandy), BB (Brincent), Abby, Kate, jua (juice), shoes, toes, nose, eyes and so much more.
You have become quite the hand full. You have an opinion and you love to voice it.
My favorite thing you do is of course the wide open mouth but here for the past month when we go somewhere and you recognize someone you wave and say hi! I love your wave! You have no idea how many people you make smile by just waving to them and saying hi.
You love puzzles and want to do them all by yourself and you can do them all by yourself!
You LOVE being outside. You cry if we go outside without you even if its only for two seconds.
These past 18 months have flown by and I can't believe you are almost two!!! We are truly blessed to be your mommy and daddy and love you!!