You have so many words that I can't remember them all. You love to say no! Ha! You are doing great with your baby sign language. You are learning more everyday.
You finally say mama, but now I can't get you to stop saying mama...hahaha and I love it!
Your are wearing mostly 12 month clothes all though you can still wear some 9 month clothes.
You are eating real food....well what you will taste anyways. This has come a big challenge but you are working at it.
You love to read and play. Your favorite toy is still a ball. I will lay out your toys and the first one you choose is a ball. This makes your daddy awfully proud.
You also love for us to chase you, tickle you and wrestle with you. You are at such a fun stage.
We do have our have a mind of your own and once your mind is made up there is no changing it. We don't go to many restaurants. You will not sit still and when you get mad you start screaming so we get to sit in the car a lot. They tell me this will pass and this one thing I hope it passes soon!
Your 15month stats.....19 pounds and 30.5 inches long. Tall and skinny!!
And one year ago we made it official...You were adopted one year ago. How you have changed from one year ago to today. I will never forget that day as long as I live. You are the greatest blessing and gift that we could ever ask for. We are so proud to be your mommy and daddy. The thing you do amaze me and how smart and loving you are. You are so much like your mommy and daddy that it blows my mind! We love you with all our hearts!
To celebrate her adoption day we bought Farrah a Cabbage Patch Kid. Thought it was a great idea since Cabbage Patch Kids are adopted and so is Farrah. She picked out a girl and her name is Lilia. Farrah is already feeding her and throwing her on the ground. We have a little work to do on how to love and not throw the baby....haha!