Friday, May 24, 2013

Last day of KDO 2012-2013

Wednesday was the last day of KDO and we ended it with a blast!  We had a school wide water day.  All the kids had a great time.  Last year I was with the toddlers and we didn't last long.  This year I had the older 2's and 3 years old's and we stayed the whole time.

We enjoyed water gun fights, slip and slides, bouncers and popsicle's.  We even had  a picnic outside.  After lunch we headed inside and had a movie rest and watched "Finding Nemo" and was surprised that half the class stayed awake.

One of Farrah's BFF, Jack

I think at this point she was chasing dad with the water gun...haha!!

It's so fun to see how much Farrah has grown this year.  She LOVED school.  She learned to write letter's....her favorite letters to write are the letter's F, P and L.  She also memorized memory verses with every letter of the alphabet.  She loved her teacher's Ms. Amanda and Ms. Callie!!!

I can't believe my baby will be in Pre-K next year!!!

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