Monday, May 3, 2010

It's been to long!!

So sorry!! It has been a crazy two weeks!! We moved out of our old house and moved in with some friends for two weeks and close on our new house this Wednesday!! Praise the Lord! We are so ready for lots of room! We moved from a 900 square foot house into a house that is over 2,000 square foot house. We took Farrah over there the other night so we could see the progress and she just walked around forever. She laid on the carpet and was just the cutest thing! At our old house we had stained concrete floors and this house had carpet..the funny thing is is that Farrah just laid on the carpet forever. I think she is excited about having carpet.

Farrah started walking all over the place! Ever since Easter Farrah has taken off. We spent the majority of our weekend outside and I wouldn't let her crawl in the dirt or grass. She is getting better everyday! She is so funny when she tries to hurry cause she is still a little wobbly.

James and I celebrated our 12 year wedding anniversary! I can't believe its gone by so fast! I was looking at our wedding pictures the other day and we were such babies. I can't imagine being married to a more godly man then James. James we have grown so much in twelve years. I wouldn't trade one minute of all the ups and downs we have shared. You are an amazing husband, father and provider and this family is truly blessed that you are leading it! Love you!

We will be moving in our new house this weekend and I will post more pictures soon. Sorry grandparents and aunts and uncles I don't have any pictures of little miss. I will take some soon I promise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pictures, Pictures, PICtures, PICTURES :-)