Saturday, January 3, 2009


Just when I think I've done all the laundry I turn around and there's more!! Between Christmas presents and going on vacation I did 11 loads of laundry!! Yes 11 loads...that's ridiculous!! It's just the two of us. How can two people dirty so much laundry?? James and I always joke about the laundry fairy. The laundry fairy is someone who gets all the laundry done all the time. I think the laundry is about to go on strike!! My sister tells me it will get worse when we have children. She has to do two loads of laundry EVERY night. Are you kidding me!! And another thing...both of our families blessed us beyond belief at Christmas but now the problem is finding a place to put it all. I have cleaned out four closet's (one of the closet's I've cleaned out twice!!) I keep walking around the house trying to figure out how my kitchen table keeps getting piled on. I think I've cleaned it off at least three times today and I'm looking right now and it's still cluttered. I had James take out the trash yesterday and I had two full bags and tonight already I have two more bags for him to take out!! I looked at my ironing pile and I just can't seem to make myself to do it. I still have one more room to go (we only have a two bedroom house)...I know it's crazy!! James has worked the last few nights and it seems like I'm cleaning when he's gone and when he's home. He just tells me to come sit but the thing is I can't relax until the house clutter is gone. I can't wait til I get to stay home all day...Then I will be able to keep up the house AND sit still with James when he gets home for the day. Until then I will keep cleaning and doing laundry!! If you haven't seen me in a couple of days you might want to call and see if the laundry fairy has gone on strike!!

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