Friday, September 19, 2008


I found this great quote while searching the web. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." It is so true!! When I have a problem with my life I know I can always depend on my family. They are going to love me no matter what because their my family. A couple of years ago James and I were really praying for good christian friends. We wanted friends our "age". At our old church we were the only young married couple. We were both so lonely. If your a girl you know this can be painful at times, don't get me wrong family is great but we needed friends!! We started going to church at Church On The Rock and all I can say is wow!! We have been truly blessed with all kinds of friends. God is so good!! I was given a challenge last year to be a better friend. Let me tell you this has been the best thing and the hardest thing I have ever done. To be able to share the true me is very hard for me to do. There are all kinds of hurts, current and past. The best thing for me to do was just for me to release those hurts. What a relief to let those go. I never realized what would happen to me if I let those hurts go. God has put so many amazing ladies in my life to minister to me, young and old. I have discovered that it's ok to make the first call. It's ok to pursue a friendship and to be pursued!! So this blog is to all the amazing friends that I have. Thank you for loving me for me. It's really hard for me to give all of me but I am trying. I'm trying to be a friend as well and that's not easy either, but you know what? Your worth fighting for!!! I was watching James the other day and my heart was overjoyed. He has amazing friends as well. It's so funny to me, but at least once a week he has lunch with some of his guy friends and they talk about all kinds of guy stuff and he loves every minute of it. We are both truly blessed!! Thanks to all the amazing ladies who have let me cry on their shoulder and all that have cried on mine. My shoulder is always available!! God did not intend for us to be alone but to be surrounded by friends!! I've also learned that you can't have to many friends!!


mandal said...

Hey Jennifer! I really like your new background. And your post touched me. Chad and I have had the same conversations about friends. We just get so busy in our lives sometimes, but we so need friends! We feel really blessed to have gotten to know y'all just a little better last weekend. Hope we get to hang out more in the future.

Anonymous said...

Well, I for one have so enjoyed becoming your friend. In the last 3 months you have touched my life a ton. You are a true blessing to everyone who gets to be your friend. Heath and I have prayed the same thing many times, and just then He opened the door for us to be able to hangout with you and James. We are having a blast.

p.s. I love the diamonds on the new background.

Paige Allen said...

So glad that we are friends...even though we both fight to let people in! Let's go do something "friendly" when I come home...maybe pedicures, shopping, or just a coffee chat!